Canadian Tire

Logo History

After 100 years, the iconic Canadian Tire red triangle remains one of the most well-known logos in Canadian history. But did you know it hasn’t always looked this way?

Take a trip down memory lane and discover how our visual identity has evolved over the past century.


Our inaugural decade saw many noteworthy firsts, from our first mail-order catalogue to the earliest versions of our logo: an illustrated tire running hand-in-hand with a dollar coin, accompanied by the slogans We Make Your Dollars Go Farther and The Longest Run for Your Money.

This iteration adorned the side of our first store and was printed on coupons and catalogue covers until 1933. It was drawn by an anonymous customer who presented it to Canadian Tire co-founder A.J. Billes. The man left the store before Mr. Billes could properly thank him and ask his name.


Shortly after the Billes brothers officially incorporate Canadian Tire Corporation, brother A.J. foreshadows the iconic triangular logo after he superimposes the Eldred Pennsylvania Oil logo onto an upside-down triangle graphic.


While an official logo didn’t yet exist in the early 1930s, several key design elements are soon introduced.

The maple leaf and triangle first appear together around this time in advertisements for Mor-Power batteries, while the upside-down triangle also starts showing up in stores on products like Canadianize Wax Polish.


A year after opening our first Associate Store in Hamilton, Ontario, the encircled maple leaf graphic with CTC-inscribed letters is introduced and begins appearing on our catalogue covers.

Shortly after, the graphic is incorporated into the Tested Proven Products logo, and is incorporated into both product packaging materials and store window signage.


In 1940, the original version of our current logo is unveiled, featuring a bold orange triangle and green CTC-inscribed maple leaf – much like the Mor-Power batteries logo.

J.W. Billes commissions William Punkett of Oakville, Ontario to design this version, which also shows the word Canadian flowing along a curve inside the triangle.


By the 1950s, Canadian Tire Money is introduced to shoppers – along with a new take on our logo.

The existing logo is modified with rounded corners, updated black lettering, and the inclusion of Associate Store at the top.

At the time, signs featuring this logo could be seen hanging outside of Canadian Tire stores across Canada.


The following decade sees our logo shift once again – this time retaining the triangle’s rounded corners, and reverting to the white lettering and green border first introduced in the 1940s.


With the help of designer Bernie Freedman in the 1960s, our logo is revamped with a widened triangle (now red instead of orange), a stylized maple leaf with no lettering, and a more modern typeface written on straight lines.


Today, the Icon logo — just the triangle with no wording — is highly recognized by consumers. It is used interchangeably with the Classic logo.


Now in our 100th year, we’re continuing to evolve.

This updated design leverages the iconic red triangle and green maple leaf to create a modern, bold, and confident take on a beloved classic for the next generation – while still being instantly recognisable as Canadian Tire.

Looking ahead, here’s to the next 100 years.